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Friday, April 22, 2011

How Your Child Can Suffer From Smoking During Pregnancy

By Victor Hood

If you smoke while pregnant you are guaranteeing your child will have at least some of the known problems. There is a large disconnect between what we know about the potential risks and what potential mothers are aware of. The consequences of smoking while pregnant need to be known and understood by all women. The following are a few of the known consequences of smoking while pregnant.

When you smoke, all of your systems are essentially attacked by the hundreds of chemicals that get added to cigarettes. When a mother smokes during pregnancy, the baby's immune system is compromised which makes them more susceptible to colds and infections. Smoking during pregnancy also causes many complications for the respiratory system. Children of mothers who smoked while pregnant can also have problems with normal growth.

Smoking during pregnancy can lead to your child's lung functions being seriously compromised. By smoking while pregnant, you place your child at a greater risk for lung issues such as asthma and a greater tendency for pneumonia. These children are also at a greater risk for bronchitis and other chronic respiratory symptoms. Keep in mind that these problems also involve your child's immune system. These creates a greater susceptibility to infections.

ADHD, or attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, is becoming an increasingly common problem for children. This condition is diagnosed in millions every year and the problem keeps growing. There are many causes of ADHD and smoking at least half a pack a day while pregnant can increase your child's tendency toward hyperactivity. This also means an increased risk of your child being diagnosed with ADHD.

Smoking during pregnancy can lead to several negative effects for your unborn child. However, there is still a lot to learn which requires more research be done. But the negative effects of smoking while pregnant are rather clear. It is extremely important for pregnant women to find a way to quit smoking. Thinking it's too hard or simply not being ready to is why most people don't quit. Taking time to do more research is highly recommended. Pregnant women especially should get help from their doctors to beat their nicotine addiction.

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