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Saturday, September 14, 2013

Some Key Health Benefits Of Spices

By Helene Norris

When people think of the health benefits of spices, one thing that comes to mind is cure for diseases. However, these food additives have been used for many generations in ancient times and even in the modern world for many other advantages they add to the diet. There are many herbs and other organic seasoning products that add a lot of value to the human body. Read on to find some of these uses.

Food additives can help you to control your body weight. Most diet programs consist of bland foods, however, addition of flavorings enhances their sweetness. In addition, dihydrocapsiate in chili peppers tends to increase the fat-burning capacity enabling you to break down excessive calories.

Spicy ingredients also increase the heart function. Recent research has indicates that there is lower chance of getting heart disease and stroke among people who eat spices. Chili, for example, eliminates the harmful effects of cholesterol. Capsaicin also reduces inflammation, which is a major problem for those with heart problems.

Seasonings are essential to the body because they are rich in minerals and vital vitamins. They contain compounds such as potassium, manganese, iron and even magnesium. Potassium is a vital element in the cell and fluids in the body. Manganese is indispensable as it functions as the co-factor for superoxide dismutase enzyme. The high concentration of Vitamin C in additives decreases the occurrence of common cold.

additives are also believed have negative effect on cancerous cells. Turmeric, which is a component of mustards polyphenol curcuma and curry powder, is useful in slowing down the development of tumors. Capsaicin is also know to completely destroy cancer cells and kill leukemia cells as well.

Spicy additives have the potential of preventing hypertension and diabetes. Some spices contain anti-clotting ingredients, which prevent platelets from clogging in blood vessels. This helps prevent stroke and coronary heart disease because the blood is allowed to flow efficiently. Cardamom is also known to increase anti-oxidation in the body, while cinnamon helps prevent diabetes.

Research has established that spices are essential for brain functioning as they prevent development of degenerative brain conditions and diseases of the nervous system. For example, seasonings enhance the production of hormones such as serotonin, which controls levels of stress and depression.

They have rubefacient properties. These additives contain volatile oils, which increase the flow of blood and make the body to feel warm. These ingredients are normally used in home remedies to treat arthritis and sore muscles; they are used as wound dressings or incorporated in hot baths. Their aroma is also exploited in the perfume industry and even in aromatherapy.

Spices can be used as substitutes of sodium-based seasonings such as salt. This enables people to cut-down the consumption of sodium. This is an essential consideration particularly for individuals with life threatening conditions like diabetes, hypertension or kidney disease.

Most individuals have been taught that food additives are harmful to their health. However, there are countless health benefits of spices. These compounds contain naturally occurring antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, essential oils and phytonutrients. These constituents are essential for the normal functioning of the human body and they enable you to reach the daily-recommended nutrient intake.

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