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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tips When Searching For A Bellevue Chiropractor

By Dr. Michael Weir

Not every chiropractor was made equal. Sounds silly right, but they all look at the body in different ways. If every person had the exact same body this would not be important, but the fact is, we are all different so there has to be different techniques to address everyone. I have made a short list of things that you should be watching for when looking for your Bellevue Chiropractor.

1. Do they have a technique (how they treat you that is best for your body?) Again, remember what I stated above. Not all chiropractors do things the same way and not all ways will work for your individual body. So how do you know? First off if you are queasy AT ALL about the "snap, crackle, pop" that comes from a hands on treatment, then that is not right for you, and you need a more gentle treatment like the Proadjuster or the activator. Next, if you have ever received a "deep tissue" massage and been worse afterward then a heavier chiropractic treatment is not for you.

2. When they are finding what is wrong with you, are they assessing the WHOLE body? All too many times, something wrong in your feet can mess with the alignment of your pelvis or low back. This is because we are a big chain. You need to ask if they have the capability to examine your feet, spine, arms and legs. They may not need to do these tests to every single person, but they should be able to.

3. Does the chiropractor continue his education above and beyond the "required" hours to renew their license? The health care field is changing on a daily basis. New research is coming out all the time, and if every chiropractor does not stay up to date on what is new then they are not giving their patients the best care available. Every chiropractor in the United States has to have a certain number of continuing education each year. What I have found is that this amount is far less than what is necessary to keep up to date.

4. Do they do rehabilitation or prescribe exercises? This is a vital component to getting better. I tell my patients all the time "I can put you back together all day long, but until your muscles can hold you there you are going to have ongoing problems". This does not have to be complex, but it does have to be a part of getting you better.

I hope these tips have given you a sense of some of the things you should look for in your Bellevue Chiropractor.

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