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Friday, May 6, 2011

Recognizing The Signs Of A Yeast Infection

By Micheille Tsunga

Some people think they might have a yeast infection but aren't sure what to look for. We will look at some of the symptoms and tell you how to treat this if you think you might have it.

Thrush, as it is more commonly known is treatable, especially if the symptoms are mild. The signs of it in it's early stages are; discomfort, itching and redness. It will become worse if it is left. This can lead to tummy aches and an infection in the vagina and vulva along with a burning sensation when passing urine and an unpleasant, whitish discharge which is lumpy in appearance. In men, it is not so noticeable and may only show as a little redness and swelling at the tip of the penis and the foreskin. But treatment of both parties is required to stop in happening again.

Thrush can be caused by a number of things. Antibiotics can bring in on, so if on a course of these look out for the signs. Also a low immune system can trigger an attack, this is unfortunate if you are also on antibiotics to treat this as you are doubly likely to get it. Having anal sex and then moving onto vaginal sex without washing will cause this as you will transfer the bacteria from one place to the other. Sexual intercourse with someone who already has it will pass it on too. And Diabetes that isn't controlled properly can cause it in women.

The clothing you wear can increase your chances of getting a yeast infection too. The bacteria that causes thrush likes a warm, moist environment and as such so tight jeans, keeping wet clothes on like a swimsuit, nylon tights or knickers will all encourage the bacteria to grow. Powder and perfumes, even some laundry products can start an attack. So staying away from using perfumed products in this area is advisable. Wearing cotton underwear and making sure you dry yourself properly after bathing or having a shower are all ways to discourage thrush from forming.

Thankfully, treating thrush is not difficult if it has not become bad. These days it is easy to buy products over the counter to do this. The pack will have a topical cream in it, which you should apply to the area a couple of times a day, an oral pill or a vaginal pessary. It is your choice which one you try. They are pretty effective and can clear up[ an attack of thrush without too much trouble. Obviously if this does not work then a trip to the doctor is needed. He can then check you out and perhaps prescribe something stronger to get rid of it that you are unable to buy yourself. When you do get the cream your partner must use it too, otherwise it will not clear up and you will continue to pass it back and forth to each other.

Also, make sure that you abstain from sexual activity when you have thrush. The pain is likely to stop you from wanting sex anyway. It will make it much worse and hinder the recovery process too. You will also pass it on to your partner at this time if they don't have it. Plenty of water will help to flush your system through too, and can be very beneficial to the body.

And, if you use the treatments properly then you could find yourself without this inconvenient problem in a very short amount of time. And, remember of you are unsure you can always pay a visit to your doctor, he really won't mind seeing you. And the next time you get it you'll know exactly what you need to do.

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