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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Five Conception Steps To Multiply Pregnancy Chances

By Shelly Carlys

Not every couple is able to conceive easily. When a couple is looking to have a baby, but having a difficult time, it seems as if everyone around them is either expecting a child or pushing one around in a stroller. Though this can be frustrating, a few conception tips can up the odds. Most couples can boost their chances of becoming pregnant.

Have sex more often. Those this seems like a simple idea, one has to make it a reality. The trick is to find ways to make it more exciting and less of a chore. Sometimes setting a schedule takes the enjoyment out of the act. Instead of setting a time, just shoot for an increase of at least three to five times each week.

Get an ovulation test kit. This kit keeps track of the luteinizing hormone, which is responsible for ovulation. Ovulation happens each month in such a short period. Sexual intercourse during this time will increase the chances of conception. Use the ovulation kit or a fertility monitor kit to track the ultimate time for activity.

In referring to what was said previously, having sex before and during ovulation is often a better option than waiting until ovulation has occurred. There is a narrow amount of time a woman has each month. Because sperm can live up to 72 hours, once ovulation has occurred, having live sperm is optimal. Even with better chances, it might still be a year before pregnancy occurs, so keep trying.

Taking prenatal vitamins containing folic acid are a great way to begin the conception process. Most doctors recommend these vitamins during childbearing years. Folic acid is essential in making sure a fetus develops properly.

See a doctor. Both parties should see a doctor for a check-up. Advise the physician of the attempts at conceiving a child. They can also check to make sure there are no obvious barriers. If there seem to be some problems, they can refer one or both parties to a specialist for further assistance.

In those situations, where chances of fertility are drastically reduced, there are other options. Consider in vitro fertilization, fertility drugs, and surrogacy for individuals determined to start a family.

These easy conception tips work wonders for those who put forth the effort. Couples need to make sure they have tried religiously. Once conception occurs, and a child is born, it is on to the next chapter of raising a beneficial member to society.

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