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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Convincing Restless Leg Syndrome Approach That Eliminates This Condition

By Cindy Hart

Historically, Restless Leg Syndrome has been going unreported or ignored simply because many are not even aware of its existence yet, it affects millions of people each year. Short of the sufferers description of their symptoms, there are no known methods to diagnose or medical means to confirm the disease. In effect, there is considerable resistance from both the medical community, as well as, patients to recognize this condition as a disease. Based on reports from the RLS Foundation, this disease continues to be widely unknown and vastly misunderstood.

The symptoms of Restless Legs can range from a mild discomfort to an extreme pain in the legs resulting in a strong desire to move the legs to provide some form of relief. The symptoms usually occur at night right before bed time which leads to a serious problem with sleeping. This lack of sleep has a significant impact on concentration during the day causing serious problems at work and performing daily chores. Because this condition is not life threatening it doesn't receive the same level of urgency as with more harmful conditions.

The RLS Foundation conducted a study, using more than eleven hundred volunteers, and found that nearly 60% of the volunteers were not even aware of the disease. It wasn't until they were given a detailed description of the disease that almost a quarter of them stated that they or someone they knew had experienced the symptoms associated with RLS.

The cause of RLS has baffled medical professionals who continue to work on a way to diagnose and treat the victims of this condition. Those researching this disease in an attempt to discover the root cause have reasons to believe that it is a genetic disease due to the number of family members who share in the symptoms. There have been some measurable level of success by treating iron deficiency however, not near enough to consider it a cure. Currently, there are no known cures using conventional methods.

However, just recently a major medical institute conducted controlled studies on over five thousand volunteers, from ages 25 to 75, to discover the root cause allowing them to develop a real cure. What they discovered is that RLS is tied to the central nervous system. Additionally, 93.7% of those suffering from RLS share in a bodily deficiency. Their bodies failed to produce a sufficient amount of a critical mineral. A mineral that was found in abundance in the bodies of those who did not suffer from this condition.

Since the disease began to surface real efforts are being made towards finding effective solutions opposed to simply finding ways to relieve some of the symptoms. Some researchers believe that there is a relationship between certain diseases such as Parkinson's disease or diabetes. Additionally, the treatments for these diseases do provide some level of relief for the sufferers lending some truth to this assumption.

In reference to prescription drugs, there is a great deal of resistance due to the serious consequences of this conventional method. Unfortunately, sometimes these medications tend to become less effective or the sufferer notices that the symptoms begin to return earlier in the day. As an example, the sufferer who takes their medication at 8pm may see the symptoms returning a bit earlier the next day at perhaps 6pm. This particular complication is known as augmentation, which usually leads to more medication being prescribed. Each time, the medication becomes more dangerous and sometimes less effective.

When taking into consideration the countless of people suffering from this condition, it can be ignored as a disease no more. With no conventional cure in sight, the pharmaceutical companies continue to mass produce their very profitable and dangerous drugs while medical professionals rush to find an alternate and permanent solution. Now, more than ever, there is much being discovered and more options offered for those suffering from this awful condition.

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